Crime + Punishment (2017) w/ director Stephen Maing in person: Block Museum - Northwestern University
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Crime + Punishment (2017) w/ director Stephen Maing in person

Crime + Punishment (2017)
7 PM

Event Details

Date & Time:

Thu March 7, 2019
7 PM


The Block Museum of Art
40 Arts Circle Drive
Evanston, IL 60208


Open to the public


Crime + Punishment
Thursday, March 7, 2019 7:00 PM FREE
(Stephen Maing, 2018, USA, DCP, 112 min.)

Stephen Maing’s powerful documentary, recently shortlisted for an Academy Award for Best Documentary, follows the NYPD officers who fought against the department’s illegal quota system (which disproportionately affects communities of color). While the film is focused on a single department in a particular part of the country, the film’s subjects provide a glimpse into the much larger need for justice reform in the United States.

"Stephen Maing’s searing documentary CRIME + PUNISHMENT offers a fuller look at the question of what can be accomplished from inside, revealing both the personal toll fighting the system can exact but also the urgent necessity of such battles. Through sensitive portraiture and vigorous investigative reporting, it tracks the struggle of minority police officers within the NYPD to reshape the culture of law enforcement itself." -- The Village Voice

In Person: filmmaker Stephen Maing

Co-presented with Northwestern's MFA in Documentary Media

Contact The Block Museum of Art for more information: (847) 491-4000 or email us at