For Journalists - Woven Being Media Kit: Block Museum - Northwestern University
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For Journalists - Woven Being Media Kit

Exhibition Press Release

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The Block Museum of Art extends rights for limited usage of the below images in print and digital reviews, criticism, and related publications expressly related to the project Woven Being.  Full crediting and captioning are required, and editing or cropping of the image is prohibited. The artist or image owner retains all copyright.

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Credit: Andrea Carlson (Grand Portage Ojibwe/European descent, born 1974), The Indifference of Fire, 2023. [installation view] Oil, acrylic, gouache, ink, color pencil, and graphite on paper approximately 46 x 182 inches (overall), 11.5 x 30 inches (each of 24 elements), Gochman Family Collection. ©Andrea Carlson, courtesy Bockley Gallery and JAMES FUENTES


Credit: Andrea Carlson, (Grand Portage Ojibwe/European descent, born 1974), The Indifference of Fire, 2023. [detail] Oil, acrylic, gouache, ink, color pencil, and graphite on paper approximately 46 x 182 inches (overall), 11.5 x 30 inches (each of 24 elements), Gochman Family Collection. ©Andrea Carlson, courtesy Bockley Gallery and JAMES FUENTES


Credit:  Kelly Church (Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi/Ottawa, born 1967) Looking to the Future—What Would You Choose?, 2024 Black ash, copper strips, size 15 beads, sinew, vial with corn seeds, vial with gold flakes, flash drive with photos. Collection of Kelly Church



Credit: Nora Moore Lloyd (Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Ojibwe, born 1947), Angie DeCorah (Ho Chunk), 2007/2008. Digital photo scanned from original negative, 8x10 inches. Copyright of the artist.


Jason Wesaw (Pokagon Band of Potawatomi, born 1974), Breath of Life…The First Song, 2023

Credit: Jason Wesaw (Pokagon Band of Potawatomi, born 1974), Breath of Life…The First Song, 2023. Vintage “Calumet” cans, elm bark, elk hide, and poplar and oak dowels, with harvested cherry, Osage orange, sassafras and twisted wood, copper BB’'s, pebbles, and paint. Collection of Jason Wesaw. Image courtesy of the artist.


Credit: Jim Denomie (Lac Courte Oreilles band of Ojibwe), Totem, Animal Spirits, 2021. Wood, oil paint, deer antlers, horse hair, found objects, 78 × 32 × 32 in. Forge Project Collection, traditional lands of the Moh-He-Con-Nuck. Copyright Estate of the artist and Bockley Gallery


Credit: Teri Greeves (Kiowa), My Family's Tennis Shoes, 2003. Beaded Converse All Star high top sneakers, Woman's shoes (each): 15.2 × 8.9 × 26.7 cm and Baby's shoes (each): 7 × 5.1 × 12.1 cm., Cotton, rubber, glass beads, metal,  thread,  Collection of School for Advanced Research, SAR.2003-16-1A-D.  Photo by Addison Doty. Courtesy of the School for Advanced Research.


Credit: Rick Bartow (Wiyot, 1946-2016), Why He Sings, 2004. Pastel and aqueous medium on paper, 24.5 x 39.25 in. Denver Art Museum: William Sr. and Dorothy Harmsen Collection, by exchange, 2005.61. ©Rick Bartow


Credit: Virgil Ortiz (Cochiti), Tracker, 2012. Clay and slip. 22 x 15 x 9 in. Denver Art Museum: Gift from Vicki and Kent Logan to the Collection of the Denver Art Museum, 2016.117A-D ©Virgil Ortiz


Credit: Daphne Odjig (Odawa/Potawatomi, 1919–2016), Entrance to the Lodge, 1984. Acrylic on canvas, 20 x 24 inches, J.W. Wiggins Native American Art Collection, University of Arkansas © Estate of Daphne Odjig.


Credit:  Frank Big Bear (White Earth Ojibwe), The Walker Collage, Multiverse #10, 2016 [detail]. Mixed media on invitation cards for an exhibition by the artist’s son Star Wallowing Bull, 8 1/2 x 6 inches each, of 432. Collection Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Commissioned by Walker Art Center, , 2018.30.1-432. Walker Acquisition Fund, 2018. Artwork image copyright of the artist and Bockley Gallery, courtesy of Walker Art Center.


Credit: Frank Big Bear (White Earth Ojibwe), The Walker Collage, Multiverse #10, 2016 [installation view]. Mixed media on invitation cards for an exhibition by the artist’s son Star Wallowing Bull, 8 1/2 x 6 inches each, of 432. Collection Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Commissioned by Walker Art Center, 2018.30.1-432. Walker Acquisition Fund, 2018. Installation image copyright of the artist and Bockley Gallery, courtesy of Walker Art Center.


Nora Moore Lloyd (Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Ojibwe, born 1947), Birchbark/Wiigwaas [recto], 2020. Photograph on fabric, two-sided, 50 x 84, Collection of the artist. Image courtesy of the artist.


Credit: Nora Moore Lloyd (Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Ojibwe, born 1947), Birchbark/Wiigwaas, [verso] 2020. Photograph on fabric, two-sided, 50 x 84, Collection of the artist. Image courtesy of the artist.


Credit: Kelly Church (Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi/Ottawa, born 1967), Native Land Mat, 2024, White cedar bark, black ash, ribbon, wood, laminated black construction paper. Collection of the artist, Image courtesy of the artist.


Credit: Kelly Church (Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi/Ottawa, born 1967), Dragonflies and Turtle, 2024. Birch bark. Collection of Kelly Church. Image courtesy of the artist,
